“It was my first attempt at writing a CV so I was really pleased to get the help. The group work with the other students helped me to work out what I needed to put in the CV and the trainer then helped to polish what we came up with. It was an excellent webinar.“
Success @ CVs/Resumés (for the German/European market) was originally developed in English as part of the Success @ Series. It was the lasts webinar to be created but is just as important as the other three. It is now offered on-demand, as a live online training course and as an online course which companies and agencies can book.
These aspects are covered:
- How to clearly structure your CV/Resumé
- Which information to include
- Which information belongs in which section
- How to avoid gaps
- Must and Can information
- How to present the information well
- Highlighting your skills and mentioning your responsibilities
- How to score additional points with your CV/Resumé
Bonuses: Download PDFs of Useful Vocabulary and Possible Interview Questions
Success @ Webinars (open courses)
These webinars are on demand and so they can be seen at your leisure but are not live. They do, however, provide all the information that you would get in the live online training courses. They do not include your own questions and answers which the trainer answers. Nor do they include the live brainstorming sessions with other students.
Success @ Live Online Training (open courses)
These webinars are live and so they can only be seen at the time given below. Both the webinars and the live online training provide the same basic information, but also include question and answer sessions and are extremely informative due to the live brainstorming sessions with other students.
Success @ German CVs/Resumés (closed courses)
These live online courses are designed for companies, universities and for employment agencies. The courses are not open. They are booked individually by one corporate customer and all details are discussed with them. The courses contain all the information that you would get in the live online training courses including participants own questions the live brainstorming sessions with other students. The participants receive certificates of participation.
Success @ German CVs/Resumés (open webinar)
Date | on demand |
€ 39,- | € 19,- |
Success @ German CVs/Resumés
LOT (Live Online Training – open)
Date | 21.06.2021 |
Date | 19.07.2021 |
€ 59,- | € 39,- |
Success @ German CVs/Resumés
LOTC (companies, universities and agencies)
Date | |
Date |
Price on request |