A picture of a man getting ready for an online interview

Do not wait until you get the refusal!

Unser Online-Seminar als Vorbereitung auf Online- & Telefoninterviews bei Rosie war hervorragend. Zusammen mit den Teilnehmern meines Projektes habe ich von ihr viele hilfreiche Informationen erhalten und bereichernde Übungen gemeinsam mit ihr durchgeführt. Die drei Stunden vergingen für alle Teilnehmer wie im Fluge. Gleichzeitig fühlen sich die Teilnehmer nun gut auf zukünftige Vorstellungsgespräche vorbereitet.

André Claren

Projektkoordinator, Career Coach, Technische Universität Chemnitz

Success @ Online Interviews was originally developed in English to help international bachelor and master students to prepare for their online interviews. Since the first time it was done for the Technische Hochschule in Nuremberg (Georg Simon Ohm University), we have been offering it not
only to universities but also to leasing agencies and employment companies. The results have been very satisfying.

This course is an integral part of the Success @ Series and is now offered online/offline and as an on-demand course. 


These aspects are covered:

  • How to prepare for an online interview
  • Knowing your strengths and weaknesses
  • Preparing for questions and knowing what to ask
  • How to come over to the interviewer as best you can
  • What aspects are important and what should be avoided
  • How to convince the person interviewing you of what you are capable of
  • What should you talk about and what should you definitely not mention
  • Useful English vocabulary for interviews

Bonuses: Download PDFs of Useful Vocabulary and Possible Interview Questions

Success @ Webinars (open courses)

These webinars are on demand and so they can be seen at your leisure but are not live. They do, however, provide all the information that you would get in the live online training courses. They do not include your own questions and answers which the trainer answers. Nor do they include the live brainstorming sessions with other students.

Success @ Live Online Training (open courses)

These webinars are live and so they can only be seen at the time given below. Both the webinars and the live online training provide the same basic information, but also include question and answer sessions and are extremely informative due to the live brainstorming sessions with other students.

Success @ Online Interviews (closed courses)

These live online courses are designed for companies, universities and for employment agencies. The courses are not open. They are booked individually by one corporate customer and all details are discussed with them. The courses contain  all the information that you would get in the live online training courses including participants  own questions the live brainstorming sessions with other students. The participants receive certificates of participation.

Success @ Online Interviews (open webinar)

on demand
on demand


Success @ Online Interviews

LOT (Live Online Training – open)

  12.12.22 14:00-17:00 h
09.01.23  14:00-17:00 h


€ 99,- € 69,- pro Person


Success @ Online Interviews

LOTC (companies, universities and agencies)

Date on request


 Price on demand



1 + 5 =


Kornweg 15
96465 Neustadt bei Coburg







Mo.-Fr: 8:00 Uhr - 20:30 Uhr

Für Webinare und Seminare: Siehe entsprechende Informationen

Sa. und So. nach Vereinbarung / Frühstart: möglich mit Aufpreis


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