leaders cicle represented by two exexutives


  • You are ready to take your English skills to another level… but have little opportunity
  • You would love to learn, grow and excel in English in an exclusive group of peers and avoid making mistakes at critical moments in front of your client, team or audience when it really matters
  • You would like to practice your English on a managerial level in a non-judgemental safe-space environment

    …. AND if you have answered YES to any of the above questions!

    woman laughing at a seminar

    But are you right for this group…

    • C-Suite
    • Management Executive with international responsibilities
    • Responsible for international teams on managment level
    • Entrepreneur / business owner with global reach


    • wondered how much easier it would be if you could just open your mouth and the right words and phrases pour out effortlessly?
    • thought about how much easier your working day could be if all your English speaking conversations flowed seamlessly?
    • considered how much more time, energy and momentum you would you have if you weren’t so busy thinking about saying the right thing?

    So what is the solution? We asked our clients what would be ideal for them:

    In a recent survey, our clients working internationally told us they wanted four things…(click each box for information)

    speaking and discus-sion practice (click)

    … to speak and discussing in a safe and non-judgemental environment with other peers at eye-level.

    Appro-priate and relevant topics (click)

    …to discuss real-life business topics relevant to their daily, which support and help teams and customer relations. 

    Flexible attend-ance (click)

     …to have a structure which is a ‘can’ not ‘must’ and which offers the possibility of Q&A, input masterminds and discussions. 

    Meet and Network live (click)

    … to meet others regularly in the program at a live event where inspiration, new ideas and collaboration are key.

    Additional 1-2-1 Training (click)

    In addition, some also wanted the opportunity to book a call with their own coach or one of the Senior Training Team

    Watch the video to see how our customers feel about Language Center Services training.


    to support, leaders of your level to speak, pitch and grow your organization successfully overseas by mastering the English language.

    Feedback from one our students:

    “I took part in the training as much as I could – they gave me a sense of freedom and I could see myself improving in a time period I never thought was possible. The Input Masterminds were really helpful and this program offers a great way to learn to speak, pitch and consequently grow your company and become more successful overseas.”

    Your Journey
    “From a diamond in the rough to a dazzling jewel”

    The LEADERS CIRCLE OF ENGLISH EXCELLENCE is by application and referral only.
    From 01.08.2024 becoming a member of the CIRCLE will become an INVITATION ONLY membership.

    The four elements of the program are:

    • Boost your certainty – know what and when to say it
    • Boost your confidence – remove any fear you might have
    • Boost your fluency – learn to speak freely
    • Boost your clarity – clearly get your point across with ease
    • Get more clarity about structures
    • Get more insights into pronunciation
    • Get more vocabulary and phrases
    • Get more understanding about culture and idioms
    • Ask your questions
    • Ask about anything which is unclear
    • Ask about daily communications
    • Ask about etiquette and politeness
      This is YOUR time

    Members only – meet the others in person

    • Collaborate in workshops throughout the day
    • Socialize over lunch and during breaks
    • Gain valuable insights from professional trainers

    Note: Business English Excellence Day is included in the EXCELLENCE level.

    Your Journey
    “From a diamond in the rough to a dazzling jewel”

    This program is exclusive  – so tell us a little more about yourself –


    Is this the right program for you and are you the right person for this program?
    Apply now

    This program is a program of excellence designed to provide our clients with a high level of quality interchange with other students who are their peers. It is therefore immensely important to ascertain whether you are right for this program and whether this program is right for you.

    Please click below to fill out application form. Applications will be considered until 01.08.2024 – after this date you will only be able to join the program by invitation.

    Are you not sure? Would you like to talk to us?

    Leaders Circle of English Excellence


    “English is not just a language, but a bridge that connects people all over the world and enables understanding, cooperation and progress”