A picture of a man getting ready for an online interview

Andrè, Projektkoordinator and Career Coach at Chemnitz Technical University


Unser Online-Seminar als Vorbereitung auf Online- & Telefoninterviews bei Rosie war hervorragend. Zusammen mit den Teilnehmern meines Projektes habe ich von ihr viele hilfreiche Informationen erhalten und bereichernde Übungen gemeinsam mit ihr durchgeführt. Die drei Stunden vergingen für alle Teilnehmer wie im Fluge. Gleichzeitig fühlen sich die Teilnehmer nun gut auf zukünftige Vorstellungsgespräche vorbereitet.

André Claren

Projektkoordinator, Career Coach, Technische Universität Chemnitz

We interviewed one of our students to see what fears they had before
and how the live webinar helped them.
Can you relate – here is the interview:


Our trainer, Caroline

Are you normally really nervous before your interview?

So, what challenges are there?


Did this webinar help you to get rid of some of these fears?


What else do you find challenging?


How did the live webinar help you with this?


How did you find the bit where you deal with weaknesses?


Was there anything else that really helped you?

Could you recommend this live webinar to other students and people applying for international jobs?

Rasheed, one of the participants

Yes, of course. I often find I can’t sleep the night before because so many things are going around in my head.

Well, one of my biggest fears is having technical difficulties because that would only make me feel more nervous. I’ve had problems before and it was a disaster.

Absolutely. I learned not only things about how to get myself better prepared but also what I can do to make sure there are no technical problems.

I often get really nervous because I don’t know how to show how capable I am or talk about what I have done before, so they can see I am the right person for the job.

We were asked to really reflect on what we had done and what we were good at, – not only mention it, but tell a story about it and so it was more impressive and credible.

That was very enlightening and I had never thought of dealing with it that way. I’m certainly not afraid of that question anymore.

Actually, loads of things. One of the things was also knowing what questions might be asked… and why they were being asked. That was something which completely changed my understanding about the questions.

I would say that this is the training that helped me most. It is definitely worth every cent and I can only say “sign up and be ready for your interview”.


Pimp your mindset and ace the interview!


Get the guide
and 10% discount off a 1-2-1 preparation session

Strengths and Weaknesses

Technical Challenges

Why YOU - Pimp your Mindset

What Kind of Questions

Keeping Control of Your Nerves

Knowing What to Ask