Die Vorteile des Sprachenlernens – More Career Options for You!

in Language Center Services works with clients from many international companies from many different industries such as Siemens AG, adidas AG and Loparex AG GmbH & Ko KG and it is becoming more and more obvious that such international companies see it as a prerequisite to be able to speak at least one or two foreign languages well enough to do business in them.
The competitive job market is quite a challenge. It means that employers are looking to hire someone who really knocks them off their feet and stands out from the rest of the candidates. For most international companies, Business English is a ‘must’. Being able to negotiate well or communicate with international customers is a great asset to your new company. Your application could work itself to the top of the pile, helping you to be chosen above many other job applicants. Having good foreign language skills listed in your CV might be what a potential employer is looking for.
In addition, candidates who are proficient in more than one language are in high in demand in all sectors and industries of the job market as employers consider them to be better communicators and problem solvers as well as being more creative. Skills that one learns to master in the process of acquiring a second language.